Is Your Strategy Ready to Work Out?
December 20, 2011, by
Stephan Polomski in
Management The end of the year is near and management teams and their business units meet in order to outline next year´s and years´ planning and strategy. It is the season of performance reviews and soon of bonus calculating. It is the time to check lessons learned and if ambitions have been achieved. Annual reports sum [...]
Soft Values Drive Hard Results
October 14, 2010, by
Heinz Landau in
Human Resources,
Management Leaders who possess strong soft skills perform better at driving hard results while executives with weak interpersonal skills were rated poorly on their ability to deliver good financial results, especially over time, and received predictably poor ratings as people managers. These are key findings from a study by U.S. organizational consulting firm Green Peak Partners [...]
Reasoning on Resonance
August 16, 2009, by
Stephan Polomski in
Human Resources,
Leadership Einstein said: „Although it is possible to describe everything in life scientifically, it would not make sense. Even more: it would be absolutely meaningless – as if one would try to describe a symphony of Beethoven as a variation of differing acoustic waves and their differing compression.”
So, what is resonance?
In the technical sense and much [...]