The Importance of Self-Reflection
September 15, 2010, by
Stephan Polomski in
Human Resources,
Management My key finding: we as society execute excellent research based leadership studies, know about excellent theoretical leadership models and communication methods and consider best practice examples of leadership we observe or hear about. Out of history and current research, basically, our societies know everything valuable about this very topic. Our whole knowledge of how to [...]
Why Caring while Leading?
August 2, 2009, by
Stephan Polomski in
Human Resources,
Leadership When I was returning from my summer holidays in South of France I found my seat just aside of a man around forty who was travelling with his wife and his kids. Apparently, the family was on their way home as well. I was reading the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, headline: VW takes over Porsche.
Having the [...]